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Weekly Meditation: Trying Something New

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

This week has not gone how I planned. The goal of finishing some quilts was sidelined by my little girls who needed a little extra play time and then the A/C want out on Thursday. With temps in the 100’s it hasn’t been too motivating to sit at a sewing machine with a quilt in my lap. In light of all that I found myself connecting to my creative self a little differently today...working on a crochet hat.

Doing something different can help inspire creativity and motivation

I really enjoy knitting and crochet, almost as much as I enjoy quilting. It's my go-to when I want to relax on the couch but by fingers feel like they need to do something. Today, as the temps began to climb, I felt I need to do something, but didn't have much energy to do much. Thus, the hook and yarn came out, and before my littles were awake, I created loops to my heart's content. I've been sewing so much lately that it felt nice to do something different. My mind could relax from what I create daily and think just a bit differently. In that space of thinking differently, I began to create new designs for quilts.

Today, try something different, perhaps you will be inspired...

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