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Finding Joy: A Devotional Thought

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! John 15:11, NLT

It’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t a quilter, but…

Quilting brings me joy. When I sit down at my machine I feel excitement in working on my latest project. As I sew, I think deeply and when I finish for the day I feel satisfied with the work that I have accomplished and the quilt I created, even if things didn’t go according to plan and I had to rip seams right and left. Almost immediately after finishing for the day I’m looking forward to the next time I sit at the machine.

Collage quilt in progress
One of my most joyful experiences putting together this collage quilt.

My husband doesn’t understand it…he doesn’t understand how someone would pay hundreds of dollars to make “blankets”.

Sometimes, joy isn’t something to be understood. It isn’t just being happy. It’s more than that. In John 15 Jesus begins by commanding the disciples to remain in the Father’s love. He ends by sharing the second greatest commandment, love one another. Sandwiched in there like batting between a quilt is the promise that following these commands will fill you with joy. This isn’t just a happy feeling but something more. I find earthly joy in quilting… while I may face many challenges and struggles, I have confidence that I will make something beautiful and loved at the end. Heavenly joy is similar, but better! The joy God gives us is confidence that no matter what we may face, God will see us through to the end. It’s like knowing that all the points of your quilt will match up perfectly before even starting.

Where does this joy come from? It comes from being loved by God and loving others as God loves us. When we know we are loved and share that love with others we feel joy. It’s like wrapping that favorite heirloom quilt around yourself and feeling the generations of love pressed in it’s seams. This joy only comes to us because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross; because he showed us love first.

Next time you enjoy one of your favorite quilts, think about God’s love for you and how you show your love for others. Let yourself be filled with joy greater than the feeling of a warm quilt as you imagine God’s arms wrapped around you.

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2 comentários

Lara Turco
Lara Turco
27 de nov. de 2022

Do you have any updated photos of the beautiful cow quilt?


Mary Pullen
Mary Pullen
24 de nov. de 2022

I love reading each and everyone of your devotions. You have really help me to focus on the simple everyday gifts God is granting to us. I know that God is blessing you as you share His love with others. Thanking God for His amazing gift to all of us


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