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Treasures In Heaven: A Devotional Thought

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:20 NIV

What is wealth? Many would say that it consists of money and assets in a bank. I would have said that a year ago. Now… I think a little differently. Losing a job, homeschooling, quilting, and, now with the addition of three Angora goats, ranching, I’ve had a change in mindset. Wealth is much more than just dollars in a bank.

It’s interesting to note that historically wealth was measured very differently. Take Abraham, for instance. He was considered a wealthy man, but the bible doesn’t list how much gold and silver he had. Instead, the number of his goats, sheep, and other animals are listed. Issac, Jacob, and Job are several other examples. Their wealth was measured in the size of their herds, not gold or silver. If we measured our wealth in the number of livestock we owned, how wealthy would we be? Until just recently my family would have been dirt poor! It is all about perspective.

I started thinking about how these animals provided wealth. What is the value of a goat? Well, our goats provide a strong, durable fiber that can be used to make soft, long-lasting, warm clothing. Goat’s milk is easy on the stomach and can be used to make all sorts of cheeses, butter, soap, and cream. The goat is also a popular dish in many countries all around the world. Are you beginning to see how a herd of goats could be worth more than gold? I’ve only had my goats for a short amount of time but already I am seeing the tremendous value.

That realization opened my eyes to understanding treasures in heaven and what Jesus was referring to. Heavenly treasures like hope, faith, and love are the wealth that will not be destroyed by sin. They are more valuable than gold or silver. When you begin to measure your own wealth in heavenly terms, the earthly wealth, money, power, and assets, begin to fade away and matter less. You see other people in terms of their heavenly wealth as well.

Ever wondered why people who seem to be dirt poor seem so happy with life? The simple, life-changing reason… They have stored up their treasures in heaven.

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