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The Worth of Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus: A Devotional Thought

...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 NIV

"Fix our eyes"… usually means looking toward the end goal and using that as motivation to accomplish the task at hand. I routinely fix my eyes on the finished quilt. I imagine what it will look like with the fabrics I choose, the size it will be, how I will quilt it. Its my motivation to finish once I start, and, sometimes, even my motivation to start. It's the end goal that motivates me… whether the quilt is for a special occasion, a gift, a customer's quilt, or just for me. When I "fix my eyes" on the finish quilt at the end… everything just seems to come together faster.

The author of Hebrews encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus. But unlike fixing your eyes on the end quilt or the goal, Jesus is present with us now. Jesus is not the end goal. When we fix our eyes on Jesus we are focusing on someone that is already present and working in our lives. We've seen the effect, we know the success. The author points this out perfectly by pointing to what Jesus already did… He died on the cross to take our sin on his shoulders, he conquered death and ascended into heaven.

Sometimes, even when I have a very clear picture of what the finish quilt will look like, I fail to finish. That’s what UFOs (UnFinished Objects) are… It's because I put my hope in my own ability to complete the quilt. I hoped for a future that rested in my sinful and flawed ability to accomplish that future…

When we fix our eyes on Jesus we are placing our hope in God's ability to care for us. And not only in the future as if waiting for an end result, but God's ability to care for us now. God loves us so much that he sent his only son to rescue us before we even knew we needed Him. That's much more worthy of fixing our eyes on than a future finished quilt.


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