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The Fellowship of the Quilt: A Devotional Thought

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10: 24-25 NIV

Hands linked together around a bible
Quilter's get together to do more than just quilt... they fellowship too. Christians can do the same thing, encouraging one another through community and fellowship.

Quilting Fellowship

Ladies sewing circles, quilting guilds, quilting bees... they're all ways for quilters to fellowship with one another. But they don't just talk about quilting... the weather, politics, local news... there's no topic off limits. I spoke to one quilter who said of her sewing group, "This is my therapy." The motion of the needle, whether hand or machine, going up/down, in/out, lends itself to relaxing conversation (or heated conversation if its politics, but there too peace in the work calms the fire).

While what I've read points to the roots of "quilting bees" in early America, I'd like to imagine they may go back even further. Some scholars speculate that the author of Hebrews may have been a women. Perhaps she knew the intimate power of gathering together. Maybe she belonged to a quilting circle too. She passionately urges us to not give up meeting together, for it's in that community that encouragement, love and charity occur.

Christian Fellowship

We're coming out of a world that has grown used to being alone and isolated. In that isolation the devil has taken hold. He tells people they're not good enough... no one loves them... they're a victim. There are a lot of people out there who are hurting and need encouragement. They need community. They need the love of God. Let's not give up meeting together, inviting those who are hurting. Let's invite God to work through our fellowship to reach them, doing good and loving one another. That's how we defeat the evil at work in this world today.

It's through fellowship with other Christians that God grants us the encouragement and strength to fight the devil and the evil in this world. The author of Hebrews had urgency behind her encouragement... the end is near. The end is even nearer, do not give up meeting together, whether it is a sewing circle, a bible study group, a morning coffee, or an evening of Texas porch sitting. Don't stop meeting, even if the devil tries to stop you. The encouragement and strength you recieve will bring you through the trials of this world. The end is near.


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