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Quilters and Their Quilts: Intimidated Never!

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

In this series, I highlight quilters of today and their quilt stories. I'm inspired by the heart and dedication that quilters have for their craft. Come, be inspired with me!


Women standing next to quilt.
Jan with her finished quilt.

I recently had the pleasure of finishing a quilt featuring a beautiful silver horse. The quilt was made by Jan Willette, who has been sewing at the Sewing Lab of Colorado County for quite some time. In her time there, she has made quilts to raise money for Saint Jude Research Hospital as well as many of her friends and acquaintances.

When I ask about her inspiration for this quilt she said, "I'm inspired by the fabric. The fabric reminds me of someone. I get it and I make it." She has quite an eye for fabric. Panels are a little hard to work with. And a panel this beautiful might look intimidating (I most definitely was intimidated to quilt it), but she paired it beautifully with a forest green border and a light tan wood grain backing and binding. In fact… I bet you didn't even notice that she added a border… That's how well it matches.

She doesn't just work with panels. Recently she finished a quilt featuring Oklahoma orange to give to a friend. She said that when she gave the quilt to her friend, he was so touched that he began to tear up. That's the power of a quilt…

I know I will be seeing more of her creations because, for Jan, the power of quilting is not only in the giving but also in the making. "Quilting is my therapy," she says. She commented that when she started at the Lab with little experience, she didn't work through the usual projects, she just started with quilts. You see… Jan is a dispatcher, a first responder in the very literal sense because she has to field all the calls for help that come in. It can take a toll on anyone. It was taking a toll on Jan… But she found quilting and a community at the Lab that has changed her outlook and given her hope. Now she spreads that hope to others through her quilts.


I'd love to hear your quilt story! Share your story with me and you could be featured in this series! Send your story to

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