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Purpose-filled Talent: A Devotional Thought

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalms 90:17

This week I finished one of my biggest quilts yet... and it was hard work! There were many moments when I wished, no dreamed, of owning a long arm machine to do the quilting work. It takes physical stamina to push a large quilt through a machine like mine... as well as mental stamina to remember the pattern I'm quilting. You know what? I wouldn't change any of it! My hard work paid off in the form of a beautifully quilted finished quilt. The work I put in this week helped me realize just what kind of talent I possess...

Have you ever had a moment of realization of the talent you possess? It's that moment after you've finished when you realize that what you have accomplished is not something that just anyone can do. It's uniquely you. I used to say that anyone could do free-motion quilting... but I'm coming to realize the true God-given talent I possess. Not everyone can do what I do as well as I do it, or enjoy doing it.

I don't what to come off prideful, but instead I want to recognize the talent that God has given me. Psalms 90 is a prayer of Moses, ending is verse 17. Moses is recognizing and praying that others recognize the the talents that God has blessed his people with. Jesus encourages us to be a light to the world, and I believe that using our talents, the work of our hands, is one way for use to shine a bright light for others to see Jesus. When we work diligently and with quality, we have an opportunity to share God's love with others. That's our purpose is this life.

I'm turning my talent into a service to others. Helping others finish quilts and listen to their stories, writing quilt patterns with heavenly stories, and writing these devotional thoughts are all way that I am using my talents to share God's love. If I have reached just one person then I have fulfilled my purpose, but I hope I can reach more.

I encourage you this week to take a moment to recognize the talents that God has blessed you with. Then identify at least one way that you can use that talent to share God's love. Lastly, do it and share your story with me by leaving a comment, share on Facebook (@aquiltedstory) or send me an email (


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1 Comment

Tammy Aul
Tammy Aul
Mar 13, 2023

Beautiful devotion. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your website. I really needed to read this today. Thank you!


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