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Known, Like We Know Our Quilts: A Devotional Thought

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35 NIV

I pulled one of my very old unfinished projects out of the closet the other day and started working on it. I knew that all I needed to do was finish hand stitching the binding. I was excited, at first, because I knew this finish would be quick and I thought it would be great to show off my skills… As I began to work on it and take a closer look… I realized that… lets just say… my skills have improved since I worked on this particular quilt.

While I saw ten reasons I shouldn’t post a picture of this quilt on Instagram… my daughter saw something very different. The first words out of her mouth were, "I like the flowers," and "I love it". In my house, my quilts are treasured… no matter how they are made. They are placed on beds, cuddled by people, stuffed animals, and dogs alike. They are symbols of beauty and love.

Jesus wants use to be known like we know our quilts… by our own loving and kind actions. Yes, we all have flaws… we're all sinful, but what sets us apart as Christ followers is how we show our faith… how we love one another.

Being known for loving actions can be easier said than done. The sharp word can come out of our mouths too quickly, the choice to continue on with our busy day instead of take the time to help can be made all too fast. I'm no expert at showing love… but I do know this: start with prayer and a small action. Build on that to form a habit. Soon you will be known like we know our quilts.


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