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God's Quilt of Love: An Advent Devotional Thought

This will be my last devotional thought of the year... I am taking a few weeks off to spend time with my family and plan for the next year. Stay tuned in the new year for more devotional thoughts, a book release, and some more surprises.


Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

A quilt full of love and memories is a very special thing. I have one such quilt that I made a while back in the midst of deep sadness. Even now, after I overcame my grief, I find comfort in this quilt. I place it on my bed and sleep soundly, comforted by this special quilt. While it's an imperfect picture... I think of God's love for us like the comfort of a special quilt.

Just like my special quilt gives me comfort at my saddest moments, God loves us so much that, while humanity was deeply entrenched in sin, He sent his son, Jesus, to redeem us from that sin and restore our relationship with Him. God wraps us in His love and comfort because he loves us.

A natural extension of God's love in us is to share that love with others. It's really just like all the quilters out there that make quilts to give to friends and family. We love quilts... so, we must share our quilt love with others!

Sometimes I'm not the best at sharing God's love... the hustle and bustle of the holidays kinda stresses me out. I might yell at my girls, or be sharp to the clerk at checkout. I might get easily frustrated and snap at my husband. These are times when I can let God wrap his quilt of love around me and soak up his comfort. He forgives me and still loves me even when I don't show love in return. God loves you too!

As Christmas and New Year's gets underway, spend a moment or two in prayer. Let God wrap His quilt around you and fill you with comfort and love. Let that love overflow to others as you share God's love with them.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


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