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The Quilt of God's Kingdom: A Devotional Thought

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12: 12 NIV

I have a box of squares in my closet. Currently its a collection of misfits. Leftover squares from projects long ago finished. Every so often I take them out and wonder what I can do with them. Eventually, they will come together into something beautiful, but for now they sit in the box waiting to be used. You see, one square of fabric on its own isn't very useful. Even a collection of misfit squares isn't yet a quilt. But... with a little creativity and a sewing machine... one square sewn to another and another, becomes a quilt that has the potential to be beautiful.

Some of the most interesting quilt designs are made with the simple square. The Irish Chain quilt pattern is one such design. It comes in a single, double, or triple variation and, while some of the design variations include rectangles, is made entirely of small squares of fabric. Amazing what one little square can accomplish when placed within a quilt!

Paul describes to the Corinthians that just as one body has many parts (arms, legs, eyes), it's still one body, so too is the whole body of Christians all over the world. We all have our gifts and abilities, but we must work together as one body to further God's kingdom. While the "body" concept is a good metaphor, I personally enjoy think of a quilt. One quilt, many squares.

A single square of fabric can be beautiful. I've fallen in love with fabric all the time! (I am a quilter, it's kinda what we do...) It's not until the fabric is used in a quilt, whether its an Irish Chain quilt or another design, that it goes from beautiful to spectacular. Thats how the kingdom of God works. When we all, as Christians, work together to further God's kingdom here on Earth, we begin to see the results of our dedication. We are not alone. We are the Quilt of God's Kingdom.

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