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God’s Ways: A Devotional Thought

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

Show me your ways, Lord,

teach me your paths.

Guide me in your truth and teach me,

for you are God my Savior,

and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 25:4-5 (NIV)

This week, I had a special moment with my daughter. In an unusually quiet mood, she sat with me and I was able to teach her to stitch by hand with a simple needle and thread. I had recently read how children as young as 4 were sewing simple quilt blocks together during the late 1800's. So, when she showed a bit of interest this week, I was encouraged to go for it. Of course I didn't expect perfection... but she surprised me with her ability to create even, albit large, stitches in an almost straight line. Not only did she beam at my praise, but I felt wonderful teaching and sharing with her my passion.

I'd like to think this is a metaphor for how God teaches us His ways. As the teacher, He guides gently based on our abilities, and, while He does expect perfection, He knows that, because of sin, we are imperfect. The psalmist calls God our "savior", and I'd like to think that he had a little insight into the future to know that God sent Jesus to save us from our imperfections for all time.


This relationship we have with God, our teacher, leads us to hope and trust in him. Just like my daughter looks to me to teach her how to make the correct stitch and listens as I correct her, we can rest assured that God will teach us the right lessons at the right times.

I find comfort knowing that God is my teacher and pray daily that he continues to teach me His ways and paths in my life.

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