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God’s Pattern for Our Life: A Devotional Thought

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

The LORD is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. Psalm 25:8 NLT

Recently I was working on a project and found that the quilt blocks that I had worked so carefully to create were not precisely fitting together as I intended. I worked it this way and that. Ripped countless seems and finally accepted it as is. I think I read the pattern hundreds of times trying to figure out where I went wrong! It wasn't until months after finishing the quilt that I happened to glance at the pattern and realized my mistake. I had not accounted for seam allowance in my final block and trimmed them all too small!

Not only is it important to read and follow a pattern carefully, but it is important for the pattern to be written in a way that can be understood and followed. A poorly written pattern can easily lead a quilter astray. One wrong step, a typo, an incorrect cut, will assure that the end result will not look as intended.

There are many places in the bible where God says he will show us the right path, Psalm 25:8 is just one. I like to think of God as the pattern writer for my life. Just as a pattern leads me to create a beautiful work of art, God is creating in my life what is good and right. Through the bible, he has written the instructions that guide me on the right path.

I can also find comfort in the fact that, as the psalmist wrote, God is good and righteous. His "pattern", the bible, doesn't have errors or typos in it. It will always lead me on right path. As a quilter, I find comfort in a well written pattern; the feeling of assurance that the hard work I put in will result in a quilt that I will enjoy far into the future. There is comfort in the bible too. The answers we need to the problems we face in life are written right there for us to read and find. And not only do we have the perfect pattern to guide us in life, but we also have the perfect pattern writer, who is there for every step on the path.

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