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Called Where You Are: A Devotional Thought

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. 1 Corinthians 7:17 NIV

The perfect quilting space. A whole room dedicated to sewing and quilting. Yards and yards of fabric all neatly organized, visible, and ready to use for the next project. Notions all in their proper place and neatly organized. Multiple sewing machines ready to use. I'm sure this is every quilter's dream. The internet is filled with pictures of the ideal quilting room. It might make a beginner to the quilting world feel like they need a dedicated space for quilting. If not, then their projects just won't work out. It might make them feel like quilting might not be for them.

Dream Sewing Room
A dream sewing space.

The humble, honest truth... You don't need all the fancy accessories, machines, or even a dedicated room. A few tools of the trade, a good pattern and some fabric will get you a beautiful quilt with a little hard work. I'd like to think that quilting, as a hobby, meets you where your are.

sewing machine and boxes
My humble sewing space...

It's the same with God. The apostle Paul explained to the Corinthians, and to us today, that God doesn't need us to change our situation in order to be a Christian. We don't need to be rich, poor, have everything all worked out. God meets us where we are in life. In that place, He works in our life to be a witness to those around us. Just as quilters make beautiful quilts from whatever space and tools they have available to them, God works in us where we are at to be a witness to those around us.

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