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Crazy Quilter Kind of Love: A Devotional Thought

Updated: Oct 8, 2022

If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ's love controls us. 2 Corinthians 5: 13-21 NLT

I was in a fabric shop this week and my mind started spinning. So many beautiful fabrics and wonderful projects! I knew I wasn't going to walk out of there with nothing...but thoughts of sticking to a budget came to mind so I focused on what I might "need". Hah! I soon got side tracked by a beautiful horse panel and the corresponding quilt pattern. All thoughts of sticking to a budget slipped my mind... And as fast as the shopkeeper could cut the fabric I was heading home with the fabric to make my next quilt (well, I'm not sure when I will get to it, exactly...)

And that's a quilter's life. We see something we like, we make it, we love it and give it away. We rarely factor in the time, or the money, it takes to get to our goal... Or consider if we will finish it at all, in some cases. It's kinda crazy. Non-quilters just don't understand. Want a number on the crazy? The average quilter spends $6,000- $8,000 a year on their hobby! There is just something catching about cutting and stitching fabric into a blanket that can last through generations. For me it's more than just a hobby, it's an obsession!

Frankly, Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians that our life in Christ should be the same way. Crazy and catching, Christ's love now controls us. Finding joy in the hardship of life, loving our enemies, praying without ceasing... They all might seem like "crazy" actions in the world's eyes, but they all happen to bring glory to God. We know there is something greater than the world out there, just as a quilter knows that the quilts they are making are going to provide comfort countless future generations of people. We can't see these things, but we know they are true.

God calls us to be crazy for him and its Christ's love in us that compels us to do crazy things for the benefit of God's kingdom. It's a crazy quilter kind of love.

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