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And The Quilter Says, "It Is Good": A Devotional Thought

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 NIV

Two quilts on a fence.
The quilts I finished this week. A quilt for a friend on the right and my Little Black Dress quilt on the left.

This week I was on a roll... I finished two quilts, one is completely finished and one is just waiting for the binding. After I finish a quilt, I enjoy admiring my work; not because I am a self centered person or prideful, but because I worked hard to reach this point and my handiwork looks good. I breath a sigh of relief that the plans I had worked out they way they did... sometimes better than I had hoped. It was a journey to get to the finish line, with many mishaps and mistakes along the way. Looking at the finished quilt, I don't see those mishaps, I see something beautiful and good.

I know that the feelings I get when I finish a quilt are a reflection of the feeling God has for all of His creation. Not only does God declare that all creation is good... he says it's VERY GOOD. Since God is an unchanging God, his words in the beginning of Genesis are still true to this day. In God's eyes all of creation is very good.

In a world marred with turmoil, it's hard to see the good that God sees. After Adam and Eve sinned, surly God changed his mind and thought human's were bad, right? WRONG... Even at the beginning with Adam and Eve, God still does see his creation (us, included) as very good. So good, that He set in motion a plan to redeem us and bring us into a right relationship with Him again. He showed patience over and over again when we fall short, and is always seeking us and drawing us near. God loves us so much that he sent his son, a part of Himself, to take our sins upon Himself and pay the price, so that we can have a relationship with God and the hope of eternal life with Him.

It can be hard to believe that the bad things in the world could be good. Here's the thing... just like a quilt can have mishaps and mistakes during its creation... We're in the midst of the quilt God is making of us. We're not at the finish line... the quilting hasn't even begun. When we get to heaven, we can look back at the quilt of our lives and understand the beautiful and good.


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