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A "Piece"maker In Chaos: An Advent Devotional Thought

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16: 33 NIV

I have two little girls under the age of 5. It always amazes me that God can pack SO MUCH personality and energy into such a little package. Needless to say... I live in a perpetual cycle of chaos. I finally finish cleaning a room, turn around for a second, and blocks are all over that clean floor! I fold the last pair of pants in the laundry basket just as I hear someone scream because milk is all over their clothes and favorite blanket! Quiet voices don't exist... tears overflow. It's life with little girls...

I am so thankful that I have a hobby I can go to when things get a little overwhelming for me. The journey of the needle going up and down again and again creates in me a calm that cuts through the chaos that is my house. A few moments working on a quilt will bring me hours of calm needed to handle mothering two little girls.

Sewing and quilting are not the only things that bring me calm and peace. When I refocus my heart and mind on Jesus... I recieve a peace that is so much greater than the calm any hobby brings. Advent is a time for us to focus on Christ... God loves us so much that he sent is only son as a little baby, born in a manger, to grow up and take all the sins of the world upon himself. He did this so that I could have a relationship with God. He did this so YOU could have a relationship with God!

In John 16, Jesus was comforting his disciples as he encouraged them to remain focused on Him, even though the world would cause them trouble and chaos. He's speaking to us too. Stay focused on Jesus.. trouble will come, but Jesus will provide true peace amidst the chaos.


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