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A Hope Designed for All: A Devotional Thought

In his name the nations will put their hope. Matthew 12:21

We all have hopes. When I was young, I hoped to become a famous author… Today, I hope my daughters will get along and the day will go smoothly. I hope my plan for a quilt I'm designing and making work out well. Our hopes change over time. My hopes are different from my husband's, different from my friend's… their unique. And while I may share some of the same feelings about certain hopes with other people, my exact hopes are all my own.

Unfortunately… my own hopes all too often are dashed. Twenty years later, I'm still not a famous author (yet). My girls started the day in a bad mood and argued constantly through out the day. I'm still working out all the details on the quilt one step (or stitch) at a time. Our own unique hopes often fail us. It's hard to have hope on our own when we know it could fail. It's hard to share a hope as a community when each individual's hope is just a little different. It's hard to have hope when it is constantly changing over time.

Placing our hopes in things of this world where we know they can fail begins to feel more and more hopeless! Thankfully, as God's children, we don't have to place our hope in earthly things. When we place our hope in Jesus Christ we have confidence, trust and promises that will not disappoint. This hope isn't just for a few people. This hope is designed for all people! Not only will it sustain you and give you confidence to make it through the worst storms in life… but it will also sustain your family, friends, neighbors, everyone. It's meant to be shared. It's a hope designed for all!


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